Wednesday 19 October 2022

Which is Preferable for Dinner: Rice or Roti for Losing The Weight?

A most popular option for any specific weight loss strategy is to balance carbohydrate and protein intake. But in India, since rice and chapatis are the main sources of carbs, reducing the intake of this foodstuff could be challenging. It is quite difficult to totally give up eating chapati as well as rice. What you have to do is consume them mindfully. But the majority of people are stuck trying to decide what to have for dinner.

The Best Dietitian for Weight Loss in Delhi Dr. Chetna Khanchi advises having a nutritious but balanced dinner every night specially when trying to lose weight. Dr. Chetna guides as per individual body's need which meal option is better —rice or roti

Roti(chapati) or rice

The nutritious content of rice and roti does not change significantly. The only significant difference between the two, is the sodium concentration. Wheat contains 190 mg of sodium per 120 grams, compared to extremely little sodium in rice.  You can consult Dr Chetna, a certified and the Best Weight Loss Dietician in Delhi for suitable diet plan.

The husk and embryo portions of the rice, that contain the vital nutrients, are absent from white rice. Thus, it contains fewer micronutrients and more calories. 80 calories, 1 gram of protein, 0.1 gram of fat, and 18 grams of carbs are included in 60 grams of rice.

Nutritive Worth

Since roti is composed of wheat, it contains higher nutrition than rice. A tiny 15 cm roti has 15 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of protein, and roughly 71 calories. As contrasted to wheat, rice has very little magnesium and phosphorus. Additionally, the amounts of folic and iron in rice and wheat are equal.

What Is The Best Alternative?

Both rice and roti have a variety of wellness perks. On the one side, rice and lentils, when combined, provide a full amount of protein, that is lacking in a number of vegetable-linked meals.

Both are wise options and people can consume them on alternative days.  However, when trying to reduce pounds, one must be mindful about serving size and aim to eat dinner before 8PM.

Furthermore, eating high-carbohydrate meals late at night may induce inflammation and may interfere with your digestion.

In contrast, roti composed of millet, wheat, maize, and a small quantity of wheat as a stabilizer will give you minerals like phosphorus, zinc and calcium. Moreover, it is always necessary to get proper guidance from a well-known and the Best Dietician in New Delhi for Weight Loss Like Dr Chetna for effective weight loss regime.


Monday 1 August 2022

Thyroid Patients: Weight Loss and Diet Tips

 Your body can be affected by an overactive or underactive thyroid. Hypothyroidism is caused by an underactive thyroid gland that produces too little hormone. Research shows that thyroid problems are more common in women than in men.

What causes a dysfunctional thyroid? One reason could be genetics, pregnancy or stress. Another reason could be nutritional deficiencies, autoimmune attacks, environmental toxins, or genetics.

How can you tell if your thyroid is functioning properly?

     You're exhausted

     Feel low, jittery, and anxious

     Your appetite has changed

     Your skin is dry

     Your hair is falling

     You have gained weight

     Your period rhythm has changed


The thyroid can help you lose weight

Hypothyroidism, and thyroid disorders in general, can cause weight gain. A slower metabolism can also cause weight gain. How can you make sure you don't gain weight? It's not easy to lose weight when you have thyroid disease or Hashimoto's. It is possible. Here are our top tips for losing weight with thyroid.

1.    Small and frequent meals are best.

Many people have made a lot of small meals that are distributed throughout the day. These are especially useful for people with hypothyroidism, which can slow down the ability to digest food. Balanced blood sugar can be maintained by eating smaller and more frequent meals that contain balanced macronutrients.

2.    Shun simple carbs & sugars

Moderate-to-low-carbohydrate diets should be avoided. They should include complex carbohydrates like starchy vegetables and legumes and avoid simple sugars. These tiny proteins can cause inflammation in the body. This is the best thyroid diet to lose weight.

3.    Eat enough calories

Although you may be concerned about your weight, drastically reducing your calories is not wise. Experts recommend eating sufficient calories. Too many calories can trigger a stress response, leading to a decrease in T3 production.

4.    Balance your hormones

Your body needs proper nutrition to ensure that it is working properly again. Foods that balance hormones should be part of the thyroid patient's diet. Good fats are essential for hormone production. Ghee, butter and seeds are good choices.

5.    Look for anti-inflammatory foods.

Hypothyroidism can cause joint pains, swelling, and depression. Anti-inflammatory foods can help relieve these symptoms by strengthening the immune system. See their positive impact on your health by including tomatoes, olive oil, leafy green veggies, fruits, and nuts on your grocery list.

Internationally acclaimed and awarded best dietician for weight loss in delhi, Dr. Chetna offers an Lifestyle Weight & Therapy Life Management Diet Clinic. Top-rated Dietician for Weight Loss & Therapy Management.

Our best weight loss dietician in Delhi will help you build healthy habits. They follow a holistic and functional nutrition approach. We help clients develop a better relationship with food, and an understanding of how nutrition impacts every aspect of their lives.

Read also this Blog: Dates Are Superfood For Weight Loss. Check out Why?

Monday 9 November 2020

Reasons To Make Apples A Part of Your Daily Diet

Apple is the most popular and nutritious fruit all around the world. Its origin is in central Asia and eating all over the globe. It is highly rich in Vitamin C, minerals, fibers, and several kinds of antioxidants.

 In India, we have a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” which means having apple daily makes your body immune to several kinds of health ailments. Further is a whole meal in itself. Having an apple makes your tummy full leading to lower temptation for eating. Its low-calorie count and appetite control feature makes it the best fruit for shedding some kilos as per the Best Dietician For Weight Loss in Malviya Nagar. To back the benefits there are several studies made worldwide which confirm that eating an apple can give several benefits to your health. Let’s now check.

Some Health Benefits of Eating Apple

Keeps Your Heart Healthy

The biggest problem behind the heart-related problem is high cholesterol. Eating apple which contains high soluble fiber can lower down the forming of cholesterol-rich plaque in arteries which mostly result in heart problems. Apple contains phenolic compounds that restrict the cholesterol from solidifying and blocking of the arteries, making your heart more healthy and active.

Key to weight loss

Apple are high in water and fiber content, as well as it is low in calories. This makes apple a perfect meal during weight management. The biggest benefit of eating an apple is that it restricts your appetite. Further, if you are suffering from any irritable bowel syndrome like diarrhea, constipation, stomach ache then apple is the fruit you should take at it relaxes the bowel and helps in digestion. Best Dietitian in Malviya Nagar For Weight Loss asks their clients that without apple any diet chart is incomplete.

Best Detoxifying Agent For Body

There are several toxins that form in the body that need to be controlled because enough toxins can lead to free radicals which are very dangerous to the body. Apples are considered as detox diets that are full of soluble fiber that eliminates toxins from the body and controls cholesterol.

Act as Immunity Booster

Quercetin is one of the most famous antioxidants found in red Apple which are known for the immunity system. In these times of COVID, making oneself immunity strong is a great deal. Having apple is the best way to boost immunity. Further, it can help in reducing the weight easily without making your body weak. Online Weight Loss Dietician in Malviya Nagar suggests that eating an apple can boost immunity as well as reduce weight without limiting the diet.

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Nutritional Facts and Benefits of Aloe Vera for Weight Loss

Aloe Vera is one of the most common plants you may find in most of the homes in India. They contain ayurvedic properties that can treat skin problems like sunburn, tans, and pimple but that's not all. Most of the people think that Aloe vera is only good for the skin but they carry various nutritional elements that are good for weight loss also. Either you take it in form of juice, which is good for losing fat as per Online Weight Loss Dietician or you apply it on the face which is going to benefit your skin.

For centuries, Aloe vera has been used as a medicinal plant that mostly thrives in a dry climate and requires very low maintenance. Once you cut the aloe vera you will find a translucent, thick, and gooey substance. It is in form of gel which are used for applying over burn skin and even act as a moisturizer. Mostly health enthusiasts use to blend these gel and make it a smoothie or add it in juice because they help in digestion and soothes the stomach. Let’s look some more

Benefits of using aloe vera

Reduces constipation problems

Constipation is the most uncomfortable and problematic situation for people that can even have an adverse impact on intestine and digestion. Aloe Vera contains laxative content that helps the digestive tract and helps in the easy passing of bulk. Anthraquinones are the compound that is responsible for the laxative benefits and effect of aloe vera gel. In weight loss constipation act as a villain, take aloe vera juice as per the suggestion of Best Dietician For Weight Loss in India because it is very good for relieving constipation problems.

Best Refreshing Drink

Keeping the body hydrated all the time is a very healthy method to tackle weight loss, and have enough energy to work all day. Rather than using sugary drinks or carbonated drinks to quench your thirst, if you are serious about losing a few kilos then you must make aloe vera juice as your refreshing drink.

Keeps a check on blood sugar

For those who are suffering from type 2 diabetes, they are suggested to take aloe vera juice, because it has shown proven results that aloe vera keeps the blood sugar regulation in check. You can have aloe vera in liquid form as well as in powdered form to improve your prediabetes condition.

Protects you from stomach ulcers

Like we read earlier that aloe vera helps in controlling constipation, similarly aloe vera helps in preventing stomach ulcers. As per the Best Dietician for Weight Loss, aloe vera not only acts as a fat cutter but it also gives an anti-inflammatory substance that reduces stomach problems.

Saturday 19 September 2020

DOs And DON'TS Eating Before & After Meals To Reduce Belly Fat

 Reducing belly fat is one of the toughest personal goal to achieve. If you are having an excess of belly fat, then you must be finding ways to eliminate it irrespective of age sex and virtually rest everything. The best way to tackle belly fat is to maintain a proper diet and light exercise. In fact, you may be doing all, but still worried because you are not yet able to remove the belly fat. Then you must read this perfect piece of knowledge in the article prepared by Online Dietitian For Weight Loss in Greater Kailash where they fondly discuss the way of eating, and where people go wrong. Let’s now look ahead at.

Habits to follow Pre-Meal: To Do List

Prior to meal eat raw food

It is highly suggested to consume raw food such as fruit, seed, nuts before taking breakfast, whereas eating raw cucumber, tomato, carrot, beetroot as salads before lunch and dinner.

This habit helps you to limit the portion of the actual meal. Taking raw fruits and vegetables can lead to a healthy digestive tract. If your digestion is good then you will not have the problems of bloating, gas, and other stomach-related ailments.

Drink Water

Best Dietician For Weight Loss in Malviya Nagar says that a person trying to reduce belly fat should take a glass of water 30-60 mins prior to meals. Try to have normal or warm water, as they can wash away the harmful bacteria from the body. Drinking some amount of water can fill up your tummy and check you from overeating.

Habits to follow Post-Meal: Don't Do List

Try not to drink water just after a meal.

The most common mistake people do post-meal is to drink a glass of water immediately as the taking food is over. This is a very bad habit and must be avoided, if you are serious about your health especially while losing weight, since, water just after a meal can interfere with the digestion process by diluting digestive juices.

Move Your Body A Bit

After having a meal, never rest, instead move your body a bit, participate in simple physical activities like a normal walking, or gentle body movement. Because movement aids in digestion and helps you consume your food completely. Best Dietitian in Malviya Nagar For Weight Loss says that you must do a light yoga post-meal, just sit in Vajrasana for 10 to 15 minutes. Because vajrasan is the best position of yoga which can help in reducing belly fat.

Don’t crave too much for sugar

Most people have a habit to eat some sweetener just after a meal. This craving must stop if you crave for a slim tummy, instead of sweetening agents use sauf. 

Saturday 18 July 2020

Foods That Are Good For Health in Monsoon Season

India, a country of all-weather, recently monsoon hits India's several parts, and it's quite common to see some individuals getting sick and suffer some health issues. Being the joyous season, monsoon demands extra care too. Hence we have prepared a list of best diets one can take in monsoon to stay free from illness. The combined details mentioned here are arranged as per the advice of Best Online Dietician in Delhi, where we have enlisted foods which are essential and must be eaten in monsoon.


Undoubtedly fruits are an essential item which one should include in their diet. Fruit such as peaches, plums, pears, banana, and apple are the best choices. It will be good if a person avoid fruits tomatoes and lime. Always eat fresh fruit and try not to eat pre-cut fruit, as they carry more chances of giving infection.

Non-Starchy Meals

The best substitute for starchy food during monsoon is brown rice, barley, and oats since they can easily be digested and controls the hunger for the whole day. Further adding corn, gram flour, and chickpeas, are suggested by every health expert.


Eating sprouts not only add nutrient values in the body, but they are a tasty snack too. It tastes delicious when prepared as a salad.


Turmeric is the most common spices used in every home in India. With its multitude of benefits and medicinal properties, one must use it for preparing meals in monsoon days.

Cumin and Fenugreek

People often face the trouble of indigestion more frequently during monsoon season. Online dietician for weight loss always says that adding cumin and fenugreek in the meal tends to resolve the problems of indigestion, and helps in keeping your tummy happy.


Water is no secret for anyone, but the rate of drinking reduces during monsoon. Hence health specialist says that it's important to keep the body hydrated. But make sure you drink only clean water because monsoon season gives more water-borne diseases.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Amla Juice Is the Potent For Weight Loss

For all health enthusiasts looking forward to losing some kilos, we are bringing you the majestic potent, which can help in shedding weight. And yes, we are talking about amla juice. Amla or Indian gooseberry is a green color fruit that contains lots of health benefits. Amla is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. In fact, it contains Vitamin C in large amounts in comparison to oranges. Not only vitamins but amla is rich with it antioxidant power making it best fruit to take for losing weight as most of the Online Dietitian in Delhi suggests.

Best Way to Consume Amla Juice for Losing Fat.

Prepare juice using Aloe Vera

Since amla is full of health benefits but it has a tangy flavor, which makes it suitable for a drink. One can add aloe vera to the amla juice since it will add as an immunity booster. From its detoxification element, it can help in refreshing skin and hair health.

Simple Amla Juice

Some may think that only the drink can be prepared with fresh amla, but we have a shortcut for you. One can also use amla powder and mix it with a cup of water. Every dietician suggests that drinking a cup of amla juice can result in a healthy stomach.

Reasons to Drink Amla Juice

Good for Weight Loss

According to Top Ten Dieticians in Delhi NCR, amla is the perfect fruit that assists in losing weight, because it contains a high level of amino acids that enhance metabolism. Higher metabolism lowers fat accumulation. As they are suitable for digestion, it also helps in clearing the stomach.

Helps in cold and sore throat

Amla has anti-viral properties. Hence it is said that it can be useful for tackling cold and generate the immune system in the body to fight a sore throat. Using amla, ginger, and honey all together can do wonders when someone is suffering from sore throat.