Monday, 1 August 2022

Thyroid Patients: Weight Loss and Diet Tips

 Your body can be affected by an overactive or underactive thyroid. Hypothyroidism is caused by an underactive thyroid gland that produces too little hormone. Research shows that thyroid problems are more common in women than in men.

What causes a dysfunctional thyroid? One reason could be genetics, pregnancy or stress. Another reason could be nutritional deficiencies, autoimmune attacks, environmental toxins, or genetics.

How can you tell if your thyroid is functioning properly?

     You're exhausted

     Feel low, jittery, and anxious

     Your appetite has changed

     Your skin is dry

     Your hair is falling

     You have gained weight

     Your period rhythm has changed


The thyroid can help you lose weight

Hypothyroidism, and thyroid disorders in general, can cause weight gain. A slower metabolism can also cause weight gain. How can you make sure you don't gain weight? It's not easy to lose weight when you have thyroid disease or Hashimoto's. It is possible. Here are our top tips for losing weight with thyroid.

1.    Small and frequent meals are best.

Many people have made a lot of small meals that are distributed throughout the day. These are especially useful for people with hypothyroidism, which can slow down the ability to digest food. Balanced blood sugar can be maintained by eating smaller and more frequent meals that contain balanced macronutrients.

2.    Shun simple carbs & sugars

Moderate-to-low-carbohydrate diets should be avoided. They should include complex carbohydrates like starchy vegetables and legumes and avoid simple sugars. These tiny proteins can cause inflammation in the body. This is the best thyroid diet to lose weight.

3.    Eat enough calories

Although you may be concerned about your weight, drastically reducing your calories is not wise. Experts recommend eating sufficient calories. Too many calories can trigger a stress response, leading to a decrease in T3 production.

4.    Balance your hormones

Your body needs proper nutrition to ensure that it is working properly again. Foods that balance hormones should be part of the thyroid patient's diet. Good fats are essential for hormone production. Ghee, butter and seeds are good choices.

5.    Look for anti-inflammatory foods.

Hypothyroidism can cause joint pains, swelling, and depression. Anti-inflammatory foods can help relieve these symptoms by strengthening the immune system. See their positive impact on your health by including tomatoes, olive oil, leafy green veggies, fruits, and nuts on your grocery list.

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Read also this Blog: Dates Are Superfood For Weight Loss. Check out Why?

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